About us
In our gardens, instead of following different trends, we look for the “spirit of the place,” the garden’s own history. This is our design guideline, even if it's a modern garden or an organic landscape.
The garden is not just a spectacle, but a connection: between Heaven and Earth, nature and man. In a good plan, less is always more - our goal is never self-realizing design, but the inspiring use of talent.
Are you ready? Experience this connection! We will help you find your way!
2017- : landscape architect, garden designer, Gaia Kertműhely
2015-2017: employed landscape architect
2012-2015: green area rapporteur, Hévíz City Municipality
2008-2012: landscape architect, Pannon Táj- és Kertépítész Műhely
2002-2004: landscape architect, Liget Kertépítész Iroda
1999-2002: nature conservation officer, White Raven Nature Conservation Association
2017- : landscape architect, garden designer, 3D plans, Gaia Kertműhely
2012-2017: employed landscape architect
2010-2012: Funktio ja Estettikka Maisemasuunnittelu, own company (Finland)
2004-2010: Budapesti Corvinus University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture
Taking aerial photos
Public park, public garden |
Playgarden, playground, thematical nature path |
Private gardens, hotel gardens, cityscape, village-scape |
There are many ways to get to know the world and ourselves. One of them is the path offered by fairytales. Centuries and certain knowledge have been accumulated in them about the orders of the world and soul, condensed into images and codes. The fairytales are maps, which help you navigate the inner landscapes of our souls. Experiencing a fairytale in reality is nothing more than a reconnection between our souls and nature. It revives the vision and perception we had a few centuries ago. The fairytale-tuned garden is therefore INFINITE - the endless paths of our souls intertwined with the infinite harmony of nature.
Weöres Sándor: Ének a határtalanról
(Song about limitlessness)
Amikor még senkise voltam,
fény, tiszta fény,
a kígyózó patakokban gyakran aludtam én.
Hogy majdnem valaki lettem,
kő, durva kő,
hegytetőn, jég-erezetten
hömpölygetett nagy erő.
És végül élni derültem,
láng, pőre láng,
a szerte határtalan űrben
mutatom valódi hazánk.
A playground will be more, if you tune it to the theme of a fairytale. A fairytale therapy path gives visitors a new experience, even if the visitor's goal is not necessarily the successful therapy. In our own garden we will feel the best, if we do not follow trends when shaping it. We will manage to find its uniqueness and spirit of the place, if we spice it with our own story.Every person has their own story — each landscape has its own tale. That's what we call genius loci, the spirit of the place. Whether it's a small garden or a wide-panoramad landscape with fields and forests, you need to keep your eyes open and notice the signs that the landscape sends and tells us.
When man and nature were still living together organically, these signs and messages were vital to humans, and meant survival. According to a Siberian proverb, "Those who do not know the trees get lost in the forest, who do not know the tales, get lost in life".
The language of fairytales is one such signal system, which, if it finds savvy ears and sentient souls, opens the doors to the real world. In fairy tales, the human-landscape relationship is organic. In many stories, nature's characters are important companions, helpers of man, of good, as well as of life. Today's civilized man desperately needs to recreate and re-tune natural relationships, in which a fairy-tale garden, the story of a fairy tale in a natural environment, is of great help.
The garden is used as a therapeutic tool all over the world, with serious results in the context of rehabilitation treatments, in shortening the healing time of diseases. Using the therapeutic garden as a healing tool is still a little-known practice in Hungary, however, the psychological importance of fairytale therapy is becoming more and more well known and popular. Linking the garden and the healing results synergy. The theme gardens tuned to a fairytale combine the therapeutic power of fairytales and the power of nature.These green areas mean great and special help not only for children, but anybody who is open to it. In addition to their multifaceted use for therapeutic purposes, they enrich green space services with new experience elements.
Watching a fairytale opens our eyes in other ways too. In a fairytale garden we also open up to nature, our perception expands, we begin to observe plants, animals, garden lights, shadows. In such a garden section, the aim is not necessarily to visualize a fairytale protagonist directly, e.g. in the form of a sculpture, but rather to help you experience the emotions in associated with the situation. For example, after the depressing, terrifying effect of a dark, pine-densely surrounded narrow path, reaching for a sunny clearing is a liberating experience in itself. The role of direct forms and sculptures can only be secondary, if necessary, in such a space. The spirit and energy of the place must radiate the feelings displayed through the fairy tale.
Füzesi Krisztina
Szabó-Lits Bernadett
Sure! Distance is not an obstacle...
Of course! Everything we do is completely official and announced, so billing is a basic thing for us. If your business form allows, you can account for our costs as an expense.
Gaia Kertműhely
Krisztina Füzesi
Bernadett Szabó-Lits
8380 Hévíz, Széchenyi str. 34.
Füzesi Krisztina
Tel.: +36-30/972-7747
TAX ID: 79107950-1-40
Szabó-Lits Bernadett
Tel.: +36-70/621-9857
TAX ID: 79295994-1-40